Monday, November 5, 2007

Rantings of a man who can rant (man, can this man rant)

This may be off topic (just what is the topic here, anyway?), but I'm in line at my local Mini-mart (loaf and jug, convenience store, whatever, just keep up), getting a slurpie and a footlong (this post will not degrade into pornography, I promise) when the guy getting gas outside comes inside, foregoes the line completely, throws to the clerk what is presumably enough to cover his petrol, and then leaves without so much as a word. No; I'm sorry, he did say "gas" before throwing the money at the clerk.


I've never really been for this whole humans hunting humans game I've heard so much about (you know... people with too much money get to hunt people with not nearly enough). I'd vote against it if it ever came up on a ballot. However, there should be a few exceptions. Why is it that this person who was outside pumping gas gets to skip the line comlpetely when I've actually been in the store longer than him? Does he think that fuel will go bad that quickly? I currently don't have a solution for this problem, but I am dropping my search for a cure for cancer to look for a solution to this one. Mark my words, there will be no more gasoline line cutters in the near future. Not in my utopia.

Also, Lemons are really sour. What's up with that?

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