Monday, November 5, 2007

NBC's Phenomenon

Is it just me, or did the "fight" between Criss Angel and Jim Callahan seem a little rehearsed? It didn't feel like a real honest-to-God, man-did-you-see-that, wow-am-I-glad-I'm-not-one-of-them, almost-fight. If it was real, man, that was cool.

I hate shows like that, when you're thinking "if this is real, it just one of the coolest things I've ever seen, but if not, how lame is that?" I think it is very noble of criss to go after these so called paranormalists and yada yada yada, but if that was planned for some ratings thing, then I feel a little sorry for everybody invloved with that show.

I guess time will tell (hopefully, but probably not....)

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