Monday, November 5, 2007

Get your hankies out, kiddies.

Ok, so let's lay on the sappy romance, turn on some soft jazz, draw the curtains, shut the lights. It's proposal time.

Google, we've known each other for a while now. Just like any relationship, we've had our good times and bad, up's and down's, cliche's and over used antithesis's. But now, I think it's time you made an honest man out of me. Ok, so I'm actually already married, so this isn't starting out all that honest, but at least I'm telling you now. Also, I'm not really sure if you're a guy or a girl, so honeymoon night might be really, really akward. But I'm willing to look past all of that. You've really been there for me, even through the bad stuff. You've made me laugh (remember when I would type "weapons of mass destruction" into your search field, and you would take me to a page that said you could not find weapons of mass destruction...) You've made me cry (I'm a Broncos fan, and you constantly remind of their latest scores). But you support me, my earliest web pages (, my blogs, and you've even looked past the naked picture searches I've made without judging me (I think...are you judging me?) And I think it's time we take it to the next level.

Google, will you marry me?

P.S. This has nothing to do with the money I heard you might be worth.

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